Understanding the world

Researching Careers
Used with Y9s and KS4 to help them to identify the skills and qualifications they will need in order to enter their chosen career. Ideal for use before they chose their options!
Powerpoint suitable for a lesson in a computer room or as a homework project.
The slides include starter tasks, lesson objective and additional areas of learning, main research based lesson task with several weblinks, extension task on finding jobs and writing cover letters, and a plenary task to help pupils recongise the beneifts of the lesson and identify gaps in their knowledge.
A tried and tested lesson that has always been successful with many Y9 groups!
I usually provide them with weblinks to local colleges and sixth forms too.
If taught over two lessons pupils often enjoy researching house prices in their local area, or where their chosen univeristy is, and figuring out what their take home pay will be from the average salary earned in their chosen career.
Images have been edited to prevent printscreening. The document you download will be completely legible!

Stephen Lawrence Inquiry: Devised Drama
6 PowerPoint lesson plans complete with starters, learning objectives, success criteria, lesson tasks and plenaries for each lesson. The topic is suitable for Y9 and is based on devising around the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry. SOW explores themes of gang culture, knife crime, racism and media. Work links to PSHRE, media studies and exploration of naturalistic, Brechtian and surreal drama. Perfect for use with The Colour of Justice by Richard Norton-Taylor.
The worksheet allows for written evaluations after each lesson as well as an evaluation of how skills have been developed throughout the topic. It is based on the theory of metacognition and uses colour coded feedback through use of coloured stickers to speed up marking.